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Student Parking Adjustments

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

We know that parking capacity has been tight last week and has continued this week as the campus has returned to pre-pandemic parking levels. As a response, we are making a few adjustments to our parking allocations to open up access in closer, under-utilized parking lots that may not have been previously available to student commuters so that more spaces become available in the student commuter lots.

Earlier this week, we activated a new pilot program to allow student commuters to park in unused faculty-staff lots. By offering commuting students an option to park closer in previously unavailable or restricted areas, we can better manage the parking capacity and open up additional parking spaces for those that choose not to upgrade for the day.

The new Daily Upgrade permits will allow roughly 300 people a day to park in a closer, under-utilized upgrade zone, faculty-staff surface lot, reserved-space, or in the Maverick Garage starting at $2.99 per day. The upgrade is only available if you have an active Fall or Annual parking permit.

The Daily Upgrade permit will also accommodate the student or employee that has an occasional need to ‘park up’ for the day-- maybe it is for a big presentation, to avoid the heat or rain, not wanting to walk far, or knowing you will be short on time.

We know this may not be for everyone, but if you are interested, Log in to Mavpark, then click Purchase Permits >> then Daily Upgrade Permits. Select the date(s) you want to upgrade your parking, then pick from the available locations to complete your transaction. Availability and locations are limited each day and the permit must be pre-purchased in the MavPark portal.

Locations will only be displayed if they have unsold Daily Upgrade options.

Current Availability:

  • Faculty-Staff Lot F6 near Trinity Hall and the MAC

  • Reserved spaces in Lot F7 near Fine Arts and Architecture

  • Faculty-Staff Lot 38 near the University Center

  • Student Upgrade Zone in Lot 34 near the West Campus garage

We expect to add additional parking locations as space becomes available throughout the semester. Be sure to sign up for SMS alerts in the MavPark portal to be notified when we add additional faculty-staff lots to the offerings.

Additional adjustments we are making:

  • Reallocating a portion of faculty lot 38 to allow University Housing Dual permits to park in this lot. This will free up an additional 150 parking stalls in the College Park garages for student commuters to use.

  • We are closely watching occupancy in LOT 34 and expect to convert a portion of that lot back to student commuter permits in early September.

  • We are converting an additional 22 parking spaces in F15 to Student Commuter parking in LOT 36
  • We are adjusting some of our Student Upgrade parking stalls from being reserved from 7am-7pm to being reserved from 7am-4pm. Student Commuter permitholders can start using these newly-signed stalls at 4pm.

Need more information or have questions? Visit us on our website.


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